A study on the learning attribution of Chinese language majors in a university in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Attribution, Chinese Language major, Vietnamese studentsAbstract
Attribution in learning is the explanation of the causes of learning success or failure that learners perceive. The article used questionnaire survey, attribution survey in learning of 142 students majoring in Chinese Language at Ho Chi Minh City Open University. The results showed that the tendency of students to attribute learning to success and failure is the same as effort > ability > luck > context. There is no significant difference in attribution in learning between male and female students, between students from urban areas and students from rural areas. There was a significant difference between students across grade levels in the tendency to attribute effort to success. There exists a positive correlation between learning results and attributions of ability and effort to success. The article argues that teachers need to guide students to make accurate attributions to academic success or failure.
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