


Digital transformation, Online public services, E-government, Good governance, Government open data


The digital transformation of public administration aims to modernize public services by integrating digital technologies. This includes digital administration, which uses digital tools and platforms to facilitate interaction between citizens and the government. The goal is to simplify administrative procedures, expedite processing times, and reduce administrative burdens. The maturity of online services represents the level of development and adoption of digital services by the government, with advanced features such as personalized services and secure online transactions. This article seeks to assess the effectiveness and suitability of digital services provided by the Moroccan public administration in meeting citizens' expectations. The adoption of digital technologies in governance aims to create a more citizen-centered approach, offering efficient and responsive services. The integration of digital tools has also led to e-government initiatives, promoting good governance practices and ensuring transparency in administrative processes. The Moroccan public administration has made significant progress in implementing digital solutions to enhance the delivery of public services. Online public services have gained importance, providing citizens with the benefits of convenience and time savings. Personalization is one of the highlights of the digital administration era. Tailoring public services to the unique needs of citizens promotes inclusivity and responsiveness. Digital transformation has equipped Moroccan public administrations with the necessary tools to offer personalized services, thereby enhancing the overall citizen experience. The adoption of digital technologies promotes citizen engagement, encourages good governance practices, and fosters transparency. To fully harness the potential of digital technologies, ongoing efforts are required to address challenges and ensure that no citizen is left behind in this era of digital progress.


Author Biography

Fadwa Chatit, Abdelmalek Essaadi University

Abdelmalek Essaâdi University: Tétouan, Tanger, tetouane al hoceima, MA


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