Communication, Semiotic, Sens, Meaning, PhenomenologyAbstract
Communication and semiotics share the area of primacy of meaning but are disjointed on the methodological and epistemological background. A symbolic activity with multimodal functioning, communication seeks to identify the pragmatic meaning by invoking ― roughly speaking ― the socio-psychological parameters of the transmission of information. Semiotic communication ― or semiotics for short; we break a spear for greimassism ―, meanwhile, dwells communication. Semiotic. on what is, for the human sciences, a postulate: meaning. Understood as an ontology of meaning, Greimassian semiotics designs the Generative Path of discourse and puts its into practice. Through a rigorous approach and by virtue of the structural principle of immanence, it describes the conditions of the generation of effects of meaning from a generative and transformational perspective. Notwithstanding, the genesis of Greimassism was, from its original beginnings, stamped with a second requirement, that of reality. It appears that semiotic doing set up a phenomenological foundation, this refers proprioceptivity where the sensitive grasp of meaning is accomplished through de intercession of the act of perception, or rather… apperception.
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