Webdocumentary, Network, Interactivity, Digital technologyAbstract
Digital networked technology integrates the cultural practices of 21st century society, the functioning of states, politics and the way in which we relate to the world. “The Internet is the fabric of our lives. It could be compared to both an electrical network and an electric motor, in its ability to distribute the power of information throughout the entire domain of human activity” (Castells, 2003). Audiovisual production is no stranger to this online digital technology, on the contrary, through it it absorbs interactive aesthetic elements and gives rise to other narrative formats. The space of modern narrative is replaced by a continuous and uninterrupted narrative, the boundaries between author and audience are reconfigured in new interactive dimensions. The objective of this article is to analyze the interactive documentary as an audiovisual genre that emerges in a digital, hybrid and fluid digital culture. Interactive documentaries, I-docs, webdoc, interactive factuals, expanded documentary, transmedia documentary are some of the names used to refer to this new audiovisual genre that mixes characteristics of the Internet and the documentary genre. Based on a bibliographical research on the nature of this interactive genre and web documentary projects, we review its main characteristics and its current development.
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