
  • Maryna Ponomarenko Senior Lecturer Ph.D. in History of Arts, Department of Fine Arts, The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky", Odessa, Ukraine.
  • Frumkina Aryna Prof. Dr., Head of the Department of Germanic and Oriental Languages and Translation Department of Germanic and Oriental languages and Translation, International Humanitarian University, Odessa, Ukraine.
  • Margolych Iryna Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics (A.A. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
  • Vorovka Marharyta Professor, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the department of pedagogy and pedagogical mastership, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Melitopol, Ukraine.



mentor, mentoring, tutor, facilitator, coach, future teacher, pedagogical skills, professional identity


Relevance of the research. Identification of the individual with the chosen profession indicates a significant level of professional growth and readiness to systematically develop, improve professional skills, deepen knowledge, that is, to recognize oneself as part of an important professional process. The description of this phenomenon in the scientific literature is understood as the acquisition of professional identity. A professional identity for future teachers is a guideline that needs to be perceived while studying in a higher educational institution since it shows the teacher’s readiness to work with children and reveals the possible quality result of this work. It is quite difficult to acquire a professional identity through independent self-development; consequently, the support and assistance of a teacher or a mentor is of particular importance in this case. The purpose of the research is to reveal the role of mentoring in the formation of future teachers’ professional identity. The research methods are as follows: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalization), empirical (sociological survey, description), generalization. The academic paper is focused on revealing the specifics of the formation of future teachers’ professional identity and analyzing the role of a mentor as a coach, advisor, and professional friend for future teachers. The research analyzes approaches to the interpretation of the concept of a mentor and mentoring as a process, as well as related concepts such as a coach, a tutor, and a facilitator. The understanding of the phenomenon of mentoring in Western European scientific thinking has been characterized. The primary focus of the academic paper is on the reformation of Ukrainian education, the New Ukrainian School Concept, and the importance of mentoring at the current stage of educational transformation.The research results emphasize that the functions of a mentor for future teachers are indispensable and important. According to the survey, the majority of respondents indicate that they are willing to seek help from their mentors and can become such mentors for junior students. Conclusions. The academic paper proves that professional identification is an important personal formation that characterizes a high level of professionalism of a specialist, in particular, a teacher. The function and role of mentoring is a way for future teachers to achieve professional identity. The survey conducted among master’s students confirms the importance of mentoring for future teachers in general and for acquiring professional identity. A mentor has to concentrate on working with students from the beginning of their studies and progressively take on a more involved role by the end of their final year in order to be effective in carrying out these duties. 


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