Dignity is said in many ways: a re-reading based on Thomas Aquinas
https://doi.org/10.18316/rcd.v14i34.10483Palabras clave:
Thomas Aquinas, Human Dignity, Ontology, Being, Polysemy.Resumen
In dialogue with Xabier Etxeberria on his judgment regarding Thomas Aquinas’ ontology, the present investigation seeks to support another interpretation of the ontology of the dignity of the human person. In accordance with Aristotle, Thomas adheres to the philosophical maxim that being is said in many ways. If being is said in many ways, then being worthy must also be said in many ways in the work of Thomas Aquinas. Based on this assumption, we will analyze the occurrences of the term “dignitas” in the corpus Thomisticum to understand the multiple uses and contexts of being worthy, resolving Etxeberría’s objection.Descargas
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