Dissemination of pedagogical practices to build the success of young teachers in Russia
https://doi.org/10.18316/rcd.v14i34.10532Palabras clave:
Learning, Professional competence, Pedagogical experience, Best pedagogical practices, InnovationsResumen
The article deals with the requirements for a modern school teacher and emphasises that most of the teachers demonstrate an insufficiently high level of professional competence, which actualises the problem of teacher's success formation. The concepts of "professional competence", "criteria for evaluating best teaching practices", "innovative experience of a teacher", "best practices of a teacher" as a system of norms and principles necessary for a teacher to perform teaching, professional duties are analysed. It is noted that professional competence becomes a significant factor in the success of the teacher, leading to the formation of positive relationships between all participants of educational relations. Types of teachers' professional competence are described: social competence, individual competence, special competence, personal competence.Descargas
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