

Palabras clave:

Higher education, Digitalization, E-learning, Management, Governance


For an extended period, the higher education community has been diligently endeavoring to implement technologically advanced and more efficacious methodologies. The aim is to enhance effectiveness and cultivate a generation of graduates equipped to navigate the evolving labor market dynamics and adapt to the influences of globalization. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic significantly catalyzed the adoption of digital education, often referred to as "E-Learning," as a predominant mode of instruction across a majority of countries. This shift was necessitated by the imperative to adhere to social distancing measures and prevent the potential collapse of the educational infrastructure. In the wake of this transformative paradigm, educational institutions were compelled to engineer inventive management approaches to effectively traverse this altered landscape, marking the dawn of a new era. This era is characterized by a profound dependence on advanced technology and unfettered information accessibility as pivotal factors for sustaining and optimizing performance.This paper aims to explain the basic ideas behind managing higher education while exploring the existing research that supports these ideas. By breaking down the various aspects and tools involved, the goal is to shed light on the complex nature of managing higher education. This exploration eventually leads to an examination of how the digitalization of education impacts different functional areas of education management. Through this in-depth analysis, a clear connection emerges between the need for digitalization and the necessity to update management systems. This connection is crucial for not only achieving but also sustaining effective operation in this new era that combines technology and education.

Biografía del autor/a

Nizar Ben Kasmia, Abdelmalek Essaadi University

PhD student, Abdelmalek Essaadi University

Hamiche M’hamed, Abdelmalek Essaadi University

PhD degree, Abdelmalek Essaadi University


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