Situational interest, Interculturality, Multiculturalism, Musical EducationAbstract
INTRODUCTION. The characteristics of an activity can encourage students to integrate significantly into a social group, so it can be considered an element that stimulates situational interest. Given this, music can become a powerful tool to face educational challenges in multicultural societies and a potential activator of the situational interest of these students. METHOD. Based on this, the "World Music Workshop" was designed as a strategy to stimulate the situational interest of Secondary school students to work on interculturality in multicultural educational environments. In order to carry out this process, a validation was carried out by expert judgment with the method of individual aggregates. Seven teachers (five university professors and two from Secondary school) evaluated the phases and instruments of the strategy. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Based on their considerations, modifications were made to the diagnosis and evaluation instruments and new resources were incorporated into the Workshop proposal.
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