DOI: clave:
Education, personality, Values, Digital StoryResumen
This study aims to investigate the experiences of pre-school teacher candidates in preparing Digital Stories in Values Education and the problems they encounter in this process. Qualitative research method was used for the research. Its design is a holistic single case study. As a data collection tool, a questionnaire consisting of five open-ended questions was prepared by the researchers. A semi-structured interview form was used. The study group of this research was determined using the purposeful sampling method, and snowball sampling technique was also used as long as different opinions continued to be obtained. Within the scope of the research, 26 participants were interviewed. In evaluating the data, it was analyzed with the content analysis method. The majority of the participants are women, between the ages of 21-24, and live in the village settlement. The mothers of the participants are primary school graduates and their profession is a housewife. The contestants' fathers are university graduates and their profession is a farmer. Positive evaluations emerge regarding the preparation of digital stories in the character and values education course. While in-service training for teachers and teacher candidates for undergraduate courses was combined with the use of digital story software by professionals, emphasis was placed on technology-related modern learning activities.
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